I thought that it would be interesting to post an excerpt from a live interview I did recently with a Google executive. She is clearly very successful, has advanced in her career and with all of that, struggles like we all do, to manage the tsunami of information bombarding her every day…
Are You A Distracted Executive? 5 questions you can ask yourself to see how focused you are at work these days
This blog is for executives. I will define executives as any business professional actively involved in working today. Unless you're living on a desert island, you’re living the reality of the distraction of modern life while trying to complete the work that’s required of you. Take one of my clients, Adam, successful, savvy VP of a five million dollar Internet startup…
ASK THE EXPERT: Are You Impulsive? Do you interrupt constantly? Practical Strategies That Actually Work, ADHD or Not!
Managers Need to Manage Time: 7 Great Tips to Do Just That
Who knew that managing time was right at the top of the list for being effective at what you do? As a manager, the burden is always on you to navigate a wide variety of skills and people. If you think about it, the first task is to become an effective manager of your time. Why? Because if you are always behind…