Good Questions:
Create open, honest discussion
Minimize conflict
Improve working relationships
Generate solutions
Encourage exploration
Uncover hidden agendas
Create environments where people can solve problems
As coaches, we are trained in the art form of communication. We are trained to ask questions, to be curious, to not have the answers but rather to encourage inquiry. After all, I believe that if we aren't asking the right questions (or good questions), how can we expect to get good answers or even the right information? We are so used to telling rather than asking.
Below are some of my favorites. My hope is that they will assist and inspire you to be even more effective managers, employees, co-workers and on and on. As you use them in conversation, my suggestion is to be mindful and aware of the results. You just might be amazed!
Here you go: What other choices do we have? What is the first step? How can we fix this problem? What is the ideal outcome? What is the next step we need to take? What needs to be done differently going forward? How can this be done better, faster, more efficiently? What else needs to be considered? What other way might we try to get better results? What is your role and how do you need to be in order for this to be solved? What is this costing you? What would make the biggest difference here? What comes first? What do you have invested in continuing to do it this way?
I'd love to hear about your experiences with this. Connect with me anytime.
In the meanwhile, have a very productive day! Coach Nancy