Happy 2015 to all of you, my dear readers. I know that many of us are slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things this week so I thought I would keep it short and sweet. Wouldn't it be nice to get unblocked, unfrustrated, refocused and on track with your life? Here is a simple step by step way to make some incremental progress in the right direction.
First, take a deep breath. Then…
Identify the challenges and obstacles that are frustrating you.
Get really clear on the big picture and even more importantly, all of the small things that are creating it.
Design your vision for success, as in think about what one or two steps you can possibly take and what the end game looks like for YOU.
Establish concrete goals for getting there
Reduce each goal to manageable parts…breaking one at a time down to smallest possible action / next steps
Set up clearly defined commitments for action, accountability and focus, as in get out the calendar and pick a time to take action A or B.
Get out of your comfort zone and commit to doing something differently than you have been doing it. Not everything. Just one thing.
It’s that simple: We all, no doubt, have a ton of potential waiting to transform itself into focus, action and extraordinary results.
So, this year, let it be all about incremental progress in the right direction. That is what I call success.
Coach Nancy